blason château Marquis de Terme

My three good resolutions for 2020

My dear friends, I am very excited to cross the milestone of this year under the sign of wine ! As tradition dictates, I’ve set myself some reasonable goals for this new vintage, in order to become an even better version of the Marquis that I am.

Remain a fine palate

My passion for gastronomy and divine nectars is not new, as I was already used to sumptuous banquets in my time. Nevertheless, I must admit that on my return from the dead, propelled into the 21st century, I discovered new and exciting gustatory horizons.

The wines made considerable qualitative advances during my long siesta! A fantastic flock of red vintages of the great wine “Marquis de Terme”, of his equally talented younger brother “La Couronne de Marquis de Terme”, the cuvée “Le 9”, created in Œuf de Béton, not forgetting our rosé and the Marquis de Terme HSE rum finish… I only need a few steps from my holiday resort in the heart of the château to walk through the doors of the shop and delight in this whole palette of colours and styles, to the delight of my taste buds!

Maintaining my athletic body

Last year, I entrusted you with my sports resolutions. One year later, I am at the top of my form, more enduring than ever to swallow, without losing my legendary elegance, the kilometers of the charity night trail, organized for the past three years by the Château. On Saturday, February 15, I will therefore give everything I have for sports performance, but also and above all to support the noble cause of the association “Les liens du cœur”, which works so that children with congenital heart disease can remain close to their families despite hospitalization. Join me in this beautiful human and sporting adventure, 15€ on each registration will be donated to the association.

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Playing the gentleman’s flower

By dint of attending the many weddings organised on the estate in my best state of mind, my romantic fibre has been awakened. Although I have not yet found my soul mate in these modern times, I dream of being able to proclaim my flame to the world and marry the bride who will make my heart beat like never before. In view of this very special day, which is not long in coming, I naturally undertook a lively visit to the wedding salon held at Bordeaux Lac on January 17, 18 and 19. From the dresses to the decorative inspirations to the gastronomic delights, everything was love, splendor and rapture! I left with a thrilling heart, already imagining the chateau in its bright clothes for the big day.

My bride, my dearest Marquise de mon cœur, if you read me and my prose seduces you, don’t wait any longer to send me a digital missive of love, tinged with wine-coloured passion, to the following address: lemarquisénamouré !

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