blason château Marquis de Terme

What if you participated in an Afterwork en Médoc?

What if you participated in an Afterwork en Médoc?

As a self-respecting epicurean, listening only to the saying “in May, do as you please”, every year I look forward to the return of the beautiful days, to enjoy a few convivial evenings in the open air.

What a godsend, my friends, it looks like I’ll be able to indulge in this hobby from this Thursday, May 2, at 6:30 pm, thanks to an afterwork at the Château Lamothe-Bergeron in Cussac-Fort-Médoc, and then every month with five other afterworks. I will start investigating to inform you more about it!

It was during a casual conversation, as I am now used to, with the delicious Sandrine Chamfrault, the property’s wine tourism development and communication manager, that I discovered the existence of “afterworks in the Médoc”. As the concept did not exist in the time I used to live in, I need some clarification on the matter.

« Dear Sandrine, what exactly do these “afterworks en Médoc”, as you call them in your impeccable English accent, consist of? »

Amused by my flattering tone, I presume, my interlocutor explains to me, with a smile on her face: “Marquis afterworks are festive evenings in the open air, just outside the office, between tastings and various activities.” Having always had an appetite for jovial moments, the news has, you think, my full attention. For fear of missing even one of these evenings, I grab my diary and my quill pen with a quick gesture, ready to take note of these appointments.

« Tell me, Sandrine, what are the dates of these evenings ? »

« Thursday, May 2 at Château Lamothe-Bergeron in Cussac-Fort-Médoc, Thursday, June 6 at Château Malescasse in Lamarque, Thursday, July 4 at Château Paloumey in Ludon-Médoc, Thursday, August 1 at Château Cordeillan-Bages in Pauillac, Thursday, September 5 at Château Marquis de Terme in Margaux, and finally, Thursday, October 3 with Bordeaux River Cruise in Bordeaux » she lists.

Once this precious information is written down, and my excitement is a little more contained, a question pops into my mind in full swing: but who could have had the brilliant idea of these spring and summer treats?

« It all started in 2017, Sandrine tells me. We came up with the idea for these after works with Adeline Warthmann from Château Paloumey, and Anne Melchior from Château Lamothe-Bergeron, based on a simple observation: having a drink on the terrace after work in the Médoc was really not an easy thing to do. But with its many châteaux with tree-lined parks, the Médoc vineyards offer a particularly suitable setting for this type of occasion », she says.

« That’s brilliant! » I nod with admiration. Dazzled as I am by the ingenuity of this concept, I don’t forget to think about the practical details of the party: « and by the way, my dear Sandrine, tell me, how are these evenings going? »

« In all simplicity, Marquis is using a formula that has proven itself, she replies. The Afterwork starts at 6.30 pm. For 20€, each participant has a plate of snacks and three glasses for tasting, to be enjoyed against the backdrop of a sunset, all of which is enhanced by meetings, various activities such as concerts, art exhibitions, games and activities for all… and many other surprises! » she announces to me, still leaving an ounce of mystery.

Delighted, I thank my kind and affable informant, and leave to go about my business with impatience. See you Thursday, my friends, if you are looking for me, you will recognize me by my powdered wig and my cheerful air!

Information and reservations on, and on Facebook and Instagram : @afterworkenmedoc

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Déjeuner de la vigne à la table de Marquis de Terme

Samedi 28 septembre 2024

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Nous vous invitons à vivre une journée immersive et gourmande pendant l’effervescence des vendanges !

De nos vignes de Margaux à la table de notre restaurant [Au] Marquis de Terme dirigé par le Chef Grégory Coutanceau, tous vos sens seront en éveil.

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